Hawaii v Playa Las Tortugas Weather

I’m just going to say it, the weather in Playa Las Tortugas is better than Hawaii. Well, the weather between November 1st and June 1st is better. During the summer you could argue it’s a bit too hot and humid in Playa Las Tortugas.

Why am I saying such crazy things? There are two main reasons:

  1. It’s much less windy in Playa Las Tortugas. We just don’t get anything like the trade winds that buffet Hawaii. Sure, we have a few windy days, but generally it’s completely calm in the mornings and evenings and light to moderate breeze mid day.

  2. It rains less in Playa Las Tortugas. In fact, it basically doesn’t rain at all from November through about halfway through June. I don’t really mind the rain in Hawaii, but if I only have 5 days of vacation from Nov to Jun, I want them to be sunny.

Hawaii and Playa Las Tortugas are actually at the same latitude. The line passes right through Honolulu. So, it makes sense that the weather pretty similar.


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