Recommended Things to do

while in Playa Las Tortugas

#1. Catch the Sunset.

Don’t miss our lovely sunsets. Each night is different.

#2. Release Baby Turtles.

Almost every evening at about 5 pm our turtle sanctuary releases baby Olive Ridley sea turtles into the ocean. It’s an unforgettable experience. Please provide them with a $10 donation per person so they can keeping doing great work.

#3. Swim in the Estuary.

The ocean is great but nothing beats a dip in the calm estuary. If you’re feeling adventurous swim across to the big rock and jump in!

#4. Take a Long Walk.

There is a special feeling you get when you walk even just 1/4 mile down the beach. Endless coconut trees to your left, mountains straight ahead, and the ocean to the right. No engines, no development…just peace.

#5. Watch the stars by the new chiminea.

The patio out front is an ideal place to gather after dinner. The stars are spectacular. Just light the chiminea for a little warmth and ambiance and watch the star show! Just ask Mario to supply some wood.

#6. Lounge in the hammocks.

We recently created a hammock area in front of the house. The vines are creating more and more shade as they grow making it an ideal napping spot, or just lay back and listen to the birds in the palms and the bees in the flowers.

#7. Go Bird Watching.

Did you know Playa Las Tortugas is an outstanding birding spot? We have everything from painted buntings to the citreoline trogon, not to mention the myriad egrets, herons and other shorebirds. The edges of the property in the mornings and evenings are your best bet.

#8. Build a Beach Bonfire.

A bonfire on the beach is a lovely way to end the day. Just ask Mario and he will set out the wood for you. Bring a lighter and some paper to get it started.

#9. Kayak the Estuary.

We love kayaking in the estuary in the late afternoon. Ask Mario and he will set you up with kayaks. It generally costs about $25 per person, but ask Mario for specifics. There are a lot of birds, jumping fish, views of the Sierra Madre mountains and hidden spots among the mangroves.

#10. Watch the Ocean Life.

During winter months if you look closely you may see whales breaching far off shore. During late winter you may see devil rays leaping in the ocean. In early summer you may see the land crab migration as they emerge from underground well inland and make their way to the ocean. At any time you may see the bioluminescence, so each night look out at the breaking waves to see if there are sparks of blue-ish light. If there is, head out to splash around and enjoy the show.

#11. Go Surfing.

Punta Custodio is the surf break just down the beach where the estuary meets the ocean. Ask Mario if you need to rent a surfboard. You can also bring your own - we’ve found it’s surprisingly inexpensive to bring even a 9-foot longboard ($35 each way on most airlines). If you’re just learning, just head straight out in front of the villas and catch some whitewater. The morning is always the best because the wind isn’t on it yet. And a mid to high tide is best - low tide tends to be messy. We also have boogie boards at the house you can use.

#12. Go Fishing.

We’ve had good luck fly fishing in the estuary right before where the estuary meets the ocean. We use small shrimp and baitfish patterns to catch small but fun 6 to 10-inch Lady Fish, Crevalle Jack, and Snapper. In the evening or morning when the tide is rising, just cast out towards that big rock (and also try further in towards the estuary) and strip the line back quickly (ocean fish expect their prey to swim quickly). You’ll find the locals may stare at you, both because fly fishing looks so odd and also because you’re catching more fish! We’ve also gone a bit offshore to the reefs and caught some fun 24-inch Sierra - ask Mario to help arrange a boat out of Platanitos for this.

#13. Get a Massage.

Maria is well known as the best masseuse in Playa Las Tortugas. She will set up her massage table in one of the cool, dark bedrooms, or al fresco on one of the decks. It’s a wonderful way to put you in the right mind for vacation.

#14. Hang out at the Lap Pool.

While we love the larger main pool, there’s something special about the lap pool. We rarely swim laps there (oops!) but the gardens around it are so nice and there usually aren’t any kids, so it’s more peaceful.

#15. Enjoy fine local tequila and beer.

We researched local artisan tequila and beer and selected the ones we think you will love as much as we do. We also bring down Sonoma wines from California. We keep a supply of each on hand for purchase. Just ask Mario.