How to fly fish the estuary

There’s no better way to end the day in Playa Las Tortugas than strolling down to the estuary to throw a few flies.

I’ve had great luck catching smaller Ladyfish, a.k.a. Skipjacks, a.k.a. “poor Man’s Tarpon”. They call them poor man’s tarpon because they love to jump and put up an admirable fight. I don’t think many people eat them because they’re pretty bony and not very firm I’ve heard, and you’re only really catching 12-14 inch fish, but it’s still worth the walk. I’ve also caught some small snapper and jack crevalle.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Bring your 4 or 5 weight rod. I’ve also used a 7 weight and it was fine.

  • Use a tippet made for striper

  • Get a handful of small-ish sinking shrimp flies or little minnows like a “surf candy”

  • Go near sunset when the tide is rising (this is important)

  • Set up right across from the big rock and you can move 100 feet towards the ocean or deeper into the estuary

  • Cast as far out as you can and retrieve it very quickly

  • Sometimes I let them sink and other times I don’t…I don’t really have a go-to strategy

  • I generally just stand on the sand, but other times I’ll wade in to my waist

It’s nice because there are no bushes or trees so you can just caste away. And of course 90% of the time you’re the only one down there fishing. And it’s beautiful. The sun will set to your left, and to the right you can watch the sierra madre turn from green to gold. Then stroll on home in the twilight and start thinking about dinner!


Another Highway Upgrade


Our beach declared a sanctuary